Women Association

Women Association

Disi Women Association

In the heart of Wadi Rum red rose desert, Bedouin women struggle to prove themselves through working in projects that enable them to achieve better economic and social life, therefore Desi Women Association was established in order to create opportunities for Desi women and other community members to learn, share and grow.

The Association offers Desi women projects where they can make handmade ceramics and sell them to visitors of Wadi Rum. In collaboration with national and international organizations, the Association provides women with training courses.

For more information :  +962 3 2061050

Email : disi.women@gmail.com

Burda Women Association

The association is led by the remarkable Bedouin woman known as "Oum Laith". She along with a group of women in the village launched this NGO in January 2010 with aims to support women and children in the village.

The association welcomes volunteers under their many projects; CeraDisi - a ceramics making project where 10 women are employed to create art from mud. Jadayel - is a project where the women collected old tales from the elderly and created photos and paintings inspired by these tales.

You can go and volunteer, the girls are always there and they are very welcoming.

For more information :  +962 3 2019157

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